CHILDREN from a junior school in Basingstoke have written to The Gazette to voice their disgust at county council plans that could hit The Willis Museum.

The Gazette has reported how Hampshire recreation and heritage department chiefs are thinking of moving The Willis Museum exhibits into a new multi-media Discovery Centre to be built in the town centre library in Potter's Walk.

The aim is to appeal to a younger, and broader, audience and to halt declining visitor numbers - but the idea seems to have fallen foul of some youngsters who like an "old-fashioned" museum atmosphere.

The letters have come from children in class 6S at Kings Furlong Junior School. One letter signed by Lauren Newman and Connor Geeson said: "The class were disgusted about the idea of closing The Willis Museum as it is a wonderful museum, with artefacts dating back hundreds of years. The Willis is a good, healthy museum and should remain that way."

They added: "We hope somebody hears the voices of schoolchildren in Basingstoke."

Holly Kemp, from Sandys Road, South Ham, wrote that she did not like the idea of selected exhibits going to Milestones, which is one idea being looked at. She added that The Willis is easy to get to for children and free, unlike Milestones.

She summed up: "Children find it interesting."

Alan Roach, chairman of The Friends of The Willis Museum who are opposed to its collection being dispersed, was touched by the children's response.

He said: "Good for them. I think we are beginning to get our opinion understood."

He added that more than 50 people have left messages of support for The Willis Museum at the museum desk.

County council officers have announced that a meeting for "stakeholders" and the media is to be organised in Basingstoke for May 8 when the plans for the library and the town's two museums will be explained.