Hampshire PGA thoroughbreds filled the first three places in the Glenmuir British Club Championship qualifying round at Camberley Heath.

Rob Edwards and Steven Green from Gillingham finished joint top with a four-under-par 68, with Dibden left hander Kevin Saunders just a shot behind.

It was a reverse of the way Edwards and Saunders finished up in the Hampshire PGA order of merit last autumn, but proof that the two former European Challenge Tour players have lost none of their edge through the winter.

Edwards from Lee-on-Solent and Saunders, who lives at New Milton, haven't ruled out going back to Tour School in September.

If they end the season they way they have started it, both will make a bid to regain their European Tour cards.

The power play of Edwards was much in evidence at Camberley Heath where five birdies and an eagle took him clear of the field.

His eagle came at the 540-yard ninth after a huge drive, a two-iron and a 30ft putt. His fifth and last birdie was at the 16th where he drove the 310-yard green.

It's the second time Edwards has made it through to the Glenmuir final, coincidentally the last time it was played at St Andrew's where August's event is taking place at the Bay course.

The 36-year-old Edwards, who has just moved into a new home in Fareham, admitted: "I have never played better. My life is more settled, I'm more relaxed and I'm enjoying my golf a lot more."

Saunders made five birdies in a round where he hit problems at just one hole, the 12th, which he double-bogeyed.

Next week the former Southern PGA champion is at Clandon Regis looking to qualify for this summer's Southern Region Tour.

But Edwards has pulled out of the qualifier, explaining that his commitments at Lee, where he is the club professional, won't allow him the time to play the region's ten events.

He'll restrict his playing activities to the Hampshire PGA circuit.

South Winchester professional Richard Adams completed a great day for Hampshire at Camberley Heath by taking the 17th and last qualifying slot with a level par 72.