Lymington & New Milton and Brockenhurst have both parted company with their managers in a turbulent week for the New Forest's Wessex League clubs.

Stuart Doling's brief reign as Lymington & New Milton caretaker boss came to an end on Tuesday night prior to Linnets' 1-nil home defeat at the hands of Thatcham Town. The 30-year-old former Pompey midfield player had only taken over from Graham Kemp and assistant Alex Pike last month amidst talk of budget cuts and financial crises. However, he found it difficult to combine work with his managerial duties, and has been replaced on a permanent basis by Gary Squires, who had been assistant manager to John Pyatt at neighbours Lymington Town. Squires will be assisted by former coach Dave Jones. Meanwhile, Brockenhurst boss Pete Moore was shown the door, also on Tuesday... before he had the chance to resign! "I was considering stepping down anyway," said a disgruntled Moore, "but was prepared to work alongside a new manager until the end of the season to provide some continuity. "But Chairman Brian Small told me after Tuesday night's game (which Brock lost 2-nil at home to Christchurch) that the club want to go forward, but they couldn't do it with me at the helm. "Results-wise I can understand it, but I can't accept the reasoning. Since I've been manager the former chairman and most of the committee resigned. "Now they've got everything on board again and achieved some measure of financial stability, but they've pulled the plug on me." Mr Small confirmed: "The decsion to let Pete go was a unanimous one. "Happily, only two of the players have decided to go with him." Moore will take a break from the game before "seeing what comes up".