AMONG the 45,000 personnel deployed with Operation Telic in the Gulf is a contingency of more than 600 men and women from the garrisons of Tidworth, Bulford, Perham Down and Larkhill.

Parts of 3 (UK) Div and Signal Regiment from Bulford and 32 Regiment Royal Artillery from Larkhill have deployed as units.

In addition, individual servicemen and women including medics, equipment support (REME) and logistics personnel (RLC) have joined other units to boost their manning levels.

Personnel from Tidworth- based PWRR have also been sent out. Susan Simpkins' husband Capt Peter Simpkins QGM* BEM is the second-in-command of 16 Close Support Medical Regiment based in Tidworth.

He's being used to bolster the requirements of other units in the Gulf and joined Preston-based D Squadron 5GS Medical Regiment at the beginning of March.

"After weeks of uncertainty and let-downs, he left on 6 March for who knows how long," she said. "I started off quite positive and I was able to talk to him for a few minutes here and there over the days, but then I understand the troops were on the move and there's been no communication since 11 March.

"It's very hard," she said.

"You have to accept what's going on and the fact they're out there to do a very important job but it would be nice to know what's going on.

"When you turn the television on now and you see just how bloodied the battle has become, it's very difficult not to fear the worst or be really worried for their safety and well-being," said Susan.

There is support at home for dependants from welfare and families officers.

"Many families officers are holding weekly coffee mornings where people can come together and talk, or get advice and information on whatever's concerning them," said an Army spokeswoman.