POLICE in Stockbridge want to question a white woman and two Asian men in connection with a £140 theft.

The trio confused staff at a greengrocers shop and Robinson's butchers, before one of the men removed cash from tills at both premises in the High Street.

Staff at the greengrocers managed to retrieve cash taken from the shop's till.

Both incidents happened on the afternoon of 15 March. One of the wanted men has a gold tooth and is said to be in his mid-teens with hair on his upper lip.

The other man, who is alleged to have removed the cash, was described as having a 'beer belly'.

He was also wearing a lace-like skullcap and had receeding grey hair.

Stockbridge-based Pc Chris Andrews said that the offenders went into both shops and offered payment for goods with £50 notes.

Attempts were made to confuse shop staff and trick them into giving more change than they were due.

While this was happening, one man removed cash from the tills.

Anyone with information is asked to contact PC Andrews at Stockbridge on 0845 045 45 45.