THIS is the starving dog which was found abandoned outside kennels in Southampton.

Animal welfare officers have launched an investigation after the dog - nicknamed "Tyke" by staff - was left tied-up outside council run stray dog kennels in Warren Avenue in Shirley Warren.

The black and white tan cross-breed, similar in size to a collie, weighed just 13.2 kilos when he was found. The average weight for a collie is at least 15 to 18 kilos.

Manager Carol Bolton found the animal. Its ribs, hips and shoulder blades were clearly visible and his long claws indicated a lack of exercise.

Ms Bolton called in the RSPCA inspector Christine Coleman because of the dog's poor condition. Anyone who recognises Tyke, thought to be aged between two to four, is being asked to get in touch with the RSPCA or the stray dogs kennel.

Ms Bolton said: "Apart from the fact that Tyke clearly hadn't had a decent meal for a long time he was as bright as a button. No other problems have come to light so far and we are hopeful that he is going to make a complete recovery.

Anyone with information about Tyke should contact the RSPCA in confidence, on 08705 555 99 or Warren Avenue Kennels on 02380 5150065.