A HIGH profile Southampton City Councillor has today issued an angry message to British National Party supporters - "leave my family out of your election campaign."

Bitterne's Labour Councillor Perry McMillan slammed supporters of the far right group after his 11-year-old son was sent a leaflet from BNP activists urging him to vote for the party.

The BNP has also condemned the actions of its own supporters. BNP Southampton organiser Lee Robinson said he would be launching an investigation to find out who had sent the leaflet.

He said: "I don't know anything about this letter. I would condemn anybody who targets children."

Cllr McMillan told the Daily Echo: "I want them to understand very clearly that I don't expect my children to be targeted."

Cllr McMillan said the leaflet, which was addressed to his 11-year-old son, arrived at his Thornhill home early on Tuesday morning.

Yesterday, The Daily Echo revealed how members of the far right group were planning to put up candidates in four wards in Southampton in May's council elections.

They will be targeting Cllr McMillan's Bitterne ward as well as seats in Redbridge, Coxford and Woolston.

Cllr McMillan is unable to stand during the elections following his de-selection by the city's ruling Labour group.

The high-profile councillor was forced to step down after he abstained during last month's crunch budget setting meeting.

Anti-Nazi League activists and BNP supporters clashed at a public meeting in Shirley when there were exchanges between rival activists.

Cllr McMillan, who attended the meeting as an observer on behalf of Cllr Peter Marsh-Jenks, added: "I am proud of coming from a multi-cultural city. I want a message to go out to BNP supporters, leave my family out of this. I will stand and argue my case with these people but leave my family out of it."