HIGHWAY chiefs have unveiled proposals to halve the width of the main road through a New Forest parish plagued by heavy lorries.

The B3079 at Bramshaw will be reduced to one lane between Burnford Bridge and Stocks Cross if the scheme is given the go-ahead.

Motorists confronted by an oncoming vehicle will have to use one of the passing places that will be provided by Hampshire County Council.

The plan is one of several options put forward by the authority following calls for traffic calming measures in the village.

Other proposals include anti-skid surfacing on the B3078 at its junction with the B3079 and hatching to reduce the width of Burnford Bridge.

Westbound traffic approaching the bridge will have to stop and give way to oncoming cars.

The measures were unveiled at Bramshaw's annual assembly in the village hall.

Local county councillor Mel Kendal described the package of proposals as a "pick and mix'' scheme from which villagers could chose the best options.

He said: "We're hoping you will reach a consensus and also indicate how much funding the parish is prepared to contribute to the proposals.''

Former parish councillor Brenda Gladwell highlighted the need to improve a sharp bend near the Green Dragon pub.

She said: "Lorries come around the bend on the wrong side of the road, and one of these days Wiltshire Cottage is going to get an HGV through its front room.

"The county council is proposing to paint a broken white line - but that will throw even more traffic into the middle of the road.

"What the bend really needs is a solid white line.''

Parish council chairman Joan Pressey said the 40mph limit through Bramshaw should be cut to 30mph to bring it in line with neighbouring Minstead.