AN interactive award scheme where children have to navigate through some of life's most testing problems has been set up in Eastleigh.

More than 4,000 schoolchildren from around the county will descend on Rookwood School in the coming weeks to earn a Junior Citizen Award.

But first they have to stay within the law with purchases from a mock newsagents, avoid being pick-pocketed and put their fire safety knowledge to the test among many other things.

The emergency services, Hampshire County Council and private companies such as gas suppliers have come together to create a minefield of scenarios faced by us all at some stage.

The youngsters spend a day learning how to be good citizens and cope with such things as rogue shopkeepers who might sell alcohol or fireworks to under age customers.

A spokeswoman for Hampshire County Council said: "It's to inform children about how these issues can impact on their everyday lives and how to stay safe and within the law in the future."

This is the highly successful scheme's fourth year.