Is there a soldier in your family tree, or do you simply have an interest in military life?

On Saturday, March 15th, Hampshire County Council's Record Office in Winchester is hosting a one-day course offering an introduction to the wealth of records which shed light on the careers of military ancestors.

Illustrated talks on the information held by record offices and in regimental archives will add colour to the course.

They will be given by representatives of Suffolk and West Sussex Record Offices as well as those of the Hampshire office.

There will also be the chance to see an award-winning record office video on the Royal Sussex Regiment.

The day will end with a guided tour of the King's Royal Hussars Museum, Winchester, offering the chance to see archives normally open to the public by appointment only.

Executive county councillor for recreation and heritage, John Waddington, said: "This is a great opportunity for anyone with an interest in military history to find out more about what life in the army was like.

"For those wanting to learn more about their military ancestors, it's also the perfect chance to be sure that they will leave no stone unturned.

"We hope events and courses like these will make more people aware of the facilities which are available to anyone wanting to delve into the county's heritage."

For more information, or to book a place, ring Sarah Farley at Hampshire Record Office on 01962-846154.