DETECTIVES in Southampton issued a warning to students today following a spate of burglaries across the inner city.

Police revealed there had been 21 break-ins across the Newtown area within the past six weeks, with student accommodation a popular target.

As part of the Daily Echo-backed Operation Boa campaign to reduce burglaries in Southampton, police have made a string of arrests during the past month.

Among them are four men believed to be responsible for at least 30 break-ins in the city.

Now detectives are urging students and householders to help them reduce burglaries even further.

Det Sgt Phil Bateman, of the burglary investigation team, said: "Student accommodation is often a popular target for the opportunist burglar, because they know that many students do not secure their property.

"Just simple measures can drastically reduce your risk of being targeted by a burglar."

Property stolen has included small and portable electrical goods including laptop computers, DVD players and mobile phones.

Students are advised to take the following measures:

Lock your bedroom door - even if you are only going to the kitchen or bathroom.

Check doors and windows are locked at night or when going out.

Challenge any strangers in the house or accommodation block - do not assume they are a legitimate visitor/friend of another resident.