HANDY volunteers on the Isle of Wight will be able to display their woodwork skills this year at two new community workshops.

The 2003 Woodshed Project, run by the Island volunteers, who help promote environmental awareness to people on the Island, is hosting two community woodwork shop windows.

An animal homes workshop is planned for February 15 and a compost bin workshop is also due to take place later in the year, both at the Medina Valley Centre, near Newport.

At a cost of £2.00 a home, volunteers can construct their choice of lasting wooden animal shelters with the help of plans, wood and tools provided by project officer Lois Prior.

Participants in the compost bin workshop will be able to construct their own bins at a cost of £5.00 per bin, with free delivery. All wood, tools and instruction will be included.

The project is funded by a £39,963 lottery grant through the £15.3m Social, Economic and Environmental Development (Seed) programme, which aims to stimulate economic development and support community enterprise.

The grant has also enabled the project to recruit four New Deal trainees in administration, health & safety, lifting and woodworking skills. New community and business recycling schemes including phones and ink cartridges mobile will also be introduced.

Woodshed trainee Graham Webster, said: "This project has given me the opportunity to build my confidence alongside my skills. Following my training I joined The Woodshed as a volunteer and have now found the opportunity to obtain paid work elsewhere."