HIGH-flying Island woman Carol Clynes is celebrating this week after she received an Isle of Wight lottery loan to turn her passion for birds of prey into an exciting new business venture.

Carol, of Main Road in Chillerton, has set up the Wight Wings Falconry Display team thanks to the £2,500 loan.

She has a selection of birds including owls, falcons and hawks which she will use for static and flying displays at schools, shows or any outdoor event.

Carol attended a weekend course on falconry two years ago and then did voluntary work at an owl and falconry centre on the Island.

Her work at the centre provided her with knowledge on caring for the birds and gave her a wealth of experience she could then put into practice.

Carol bought her first falcon 12 months ago and hand-reared Humbug the snowy owl and her youngest falcon called Diamond shortly after they hatched.

She used her own savings as matched funding for the lottery loan and was able to buy a tracking system for the birds and a PA system for use during displays.

Carol said: "I can't believe what started off as a hobby has taken over my life and I love it. It is time the birds started earning their own keep."