Her Royal Highness, the Princess Royal, opened a revamped sheltered housing scheme at Alresford on Friday.

In a £3.1m scheme, 16 new flats, 12 bungalows and a communal building have been provided at Makins Court.

It also has a new sundial. Unveiling it, along with a commemorative plaque, Princess Anne joked: "I'm sure you all know how it works."

The royal visit made it a very special 84th birthday for Louis Beresford. "I'm very pleased she's come here, though I have seen her before," he said.

"It was many years ago when she was a bridesmaid at Broadlands in Romsey."

Victoria Davis, who, at 91, is the oldest resident, said she was delighted to meet the princess: "She's just as I imagined she would be."

Winifred Davidson (87) added: "She looks very much younger than she does on the TV. She is a charming lady and she works very hard."

Ronald Bunday (67) said he enjoyed meeting Princess Anne: "She was very easy to speak to - I was laughing and joking with her."

The improvements at Makins Court were brought about by a partnership between Winchester City Council and Eastleigh Housing Association.

City councillor for Alresford and town council chairman, Simon Cook, praised the scheme as "a model development".

Princess Anne also visited Winchester CAB where she met some of the youngest and longest-serving volunteers.

Manager, Jenny Meadows, said: "It was a normal working day for us but Princess Anne did have lunch with several of our volunteers. Everyone was very pleased to see her."