POLICE have said they will return to Andover's King Arthur's Way estate.

Their pledge follows last week's front page story about rubbish on the estate.

Residents are demanding action to clean up their estate after an elderly couple were barricaded into their Galahad Close home by parts of a sofa dumped on their doorstep.

But Sgt Kevin McCarthy said that Andover's rolling Operation Cleansweep, invol-ving a range of agencies, will be returning to clear up the town's estates, including King Arthur's Way.

Last week police officers and representatives from Test Valley Borough Council, Testway Housing and Neighbour-hood Wardens swept through an area of the town south of Churchill Way including Admirals Way, Highlands Road, Salisbury Road and the Hexagon.

WPc Cheryl Beasley and Pc Toby Wilcox acted as station controllers and compiled a spreadsheet for all the vehicles checked, while borough council contract cleaning staff were available to clear up rubbish.

A total of 57 untaxed and/or abandoned vehicles were recorded of which 17 were issued with seven-day removal notices and eight were issued with 24-hour removal notices.

In addition 35 forms were sent to the DVLA notifying of untaxed vehicles.

A total of five people were reported for excise offences; four vehicles were displaying fraudulent tax but were on private property, so there was no police action; one person was interviewed for fraudulent tax discs; and 11 abandoned supermarket trolleys were recovered.