DISABLED staff working in the horticulture division at Enham have created a new plant - a clematis called the Enham Star - after four years development.

The plants are being distributed throughout the UK by Romsey-based Hillier Nurseries, who believe they could become best-sellers owing to their prolific flowering of white blooms and their glossy, evergreen leaves.

More than 10,000 plants are currently on site at Enham awaiting distribution and should be in full bloom in the first week of February and on sale from most leading garden centres. The successful propagation rate of the mother plant Clematis Armandii is a closely guarded secret having been achieved after many months of experimentation. The horticulture team is made up entirely of disabled people, with the exception of the manager Derek Simm.

Hillier Nurseries has also adopted Enham as its chosen charity for the next two years and will donate 50p from the sale of each plant to the work done by the charity.