PROTESTERS unhappy about proposals to build a new bridge over the River Test at Romsey will have to wait to find out if they've won their fight.

Test Valley planners agreed to put the proposal on hold after hearing there had been 57 letters of objection.

Wates Homes Ltd wants to build the road and cycle bridge across the river into Romsey Memorial Park from its new housing development at La Sagesse Convent.

The design of the bridge has been changed after the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said it needed to be higher to be clear of any flooding. The amended design also offers improved disabled access.

But at Test Valley Borough Council's southern area planning committee meeting, members heard that residents had sent 57 letters of objection to the amended plan.

Protesters fear the bridge will lead to increased security risks and crime, vandalism in the park and loss of privacy.

They also claim the bridge will be out of character, add to flooding risks and that youngsters would use it as a diving board, putting themselves in danger as well as causing noise and nuisance.

The proposed bridge would span the river between the housing site and the area of the park between the tennis courts and the bowling green. Councillor Mark Cooper said he wanted the plan refused instead of deferred because it would mean Riverside Gardens would no longer be a cul-de-sac.

Members of the planning committee also repeated their opposition to Wates' application for housing at Burma Road on land in Romsey Extra Parish.

The scheme also involves relocating two GP surgeries - Nightingale Lodge and Abbey Mead - from the centre of the town on to land by the Romsey bypass.

Councillor Charles Mead said the present surgeries were convenient for Romsey people as they could walk to them.

If the surgeries were relocated it would force elderly people to cross the busy bypass or drive.