A CIVIC pat on the back has gone out to everyone involved in getting Chandler's Ford's Thornden School back on its feet after a devastating fire at the end of November.

Six classrooms were wrecked and 80 per cent of the main building was also damaged by smoke in the blaze estimated to have caused over £1m-worth of damage.

But speaking at the January meeting of Eastleigh council's Chandler's Ford and Hiltingbury local area committee, chairman Councillor Godfrey Olson was handing out plaudits for the way the school had coped.

He said: "I'm sure we were all very distressed to learn of the fire at Thornden and devastation and disturbance that it caused.

"Nevertheless, I want to express my congratulations to the chief education officer, the staff and school governors and also the pupils themselves who have worked extremely well in trying to keep the school running on as even a keel as possible."