THEY went in with an axe hanging over their very future. But campaigners fighting to save a vital community centre from extinction won overwhelming support to stay open.

In what was expected to be a showdown at the civic offices, councillors instead ditched plans to sell-off Fareham Community Centre - voting instead to plough more money into it.

The move came after user groups and managers of the popular centre addressed members of the leisure panel urging them to think again about closure.

As reported in last week's Daily Echo, the centre had come under scrutiny as part of an ongoing review of leisure facilities across the borough.

It had been recommended that the land be sold off either immediately or within three years to give users a chance to relocate.

But after hearing from a variety of groups who regularly use the Queen's Road centre, the panel recommended it remained open with consideration given to an upgrade.

The overjoyed group of supporters spoke of their delight after the meeting.

Chairwoman of the Fareham Community Association, Audrey Sitch, said: "I am just so happy with the outcome. I have to say I wasn't expecting such an overwhelming vote in our favour but it was nice to hear the panel appreciate how much the centre means to the community."

Carol Main, supervisor at the thriving Trinity pre-school that uses the centre, said she was also delighted: "We were moved once before when our previous premises closed. So far the council has not found anywhere else that would be suitable for the 67 children in our care, it was wonderful to have such a vote of confidence tonight."

Members of the panel dismissed the favoured recommendation that the centre be given a three-year-stay of execution before being closed.

Councillor Roger Price said: "To go with that recommendation would be wholly wrong. It would put a blight on the centre where uncertainly for users would set in and membership would wain. The centre would be forced to fold naturally and that would be of detriment to the whole community."

The centre is used seven days a week by a host of groups including model railway enthusiasts, table tennis, martial arts, flower clubs and a Mencap group. Councillor John Bryant said if the centre closed it would leave specialist clubs without a meeting place. His views were echoed by Councillor Jim Forrest who said: "This centre is doing precisely what the council strives for - encouraging people to use community services and come into the heart of the town."

After the unanimous vote in favour of keeping the centre open chairman Tim Knight thanked the supporters of the centre.

He said: "It is thanks to people like you that the quality of life for people in Fareham is improved."

The recommendation will now go before the council's executive committee before a final decision is made.