BOSSES behind a scheme to rejuvenate a Southampton housing estate today pleaded with residents: "We've got £40m - please help us spend it!''

Two years ago, Thornhill was given a £48m grant to help breathe life into the area.

Today, the team charged with spending the money believe residents have the answer on how to spend the cash.

Simon Woodcock, a manager of the New Deal for Communities scheme, said: "This is a community-led initiative and we want the community to lead it."

Many members of the community have questioned the New Deal scheme and believe the money is being wasted.

But Mr Woodcock stressed that the project was coming into its own.

"It's taken a long time to get everything set up and to find people to implement ideas but things are really starting to happen now," he said.

Probably the biggest success of the scheme so far has been the two Thornhill festivals.

Thousands of residents attended both events, which took place in 2002 and 2001 and featured football tournaments, funfair rides and performances by local bands.

With plenty more in the pipeline, the New Deal team is hoping to turn around its image over the coming year.

Several plans are to be introduced this year to raise public awareness and involvement of the New Labour-introduced project.

Deputy co-ordinator Peter Hunt said: "At the moment we have about 150 people involved out of a population of 10,400."

If you have an idea for a project and are prepared to follow its development, you can visit the NDC team at their premises in East Point or in Hinkler Parade.

Projects could be up and running in just three or four months in some cases.


Purchase of Swallows pub to be reopened as a multi-purpose community centre

Thornhill Tidy Team, who are keeping Thornhill clean and tidy

CCTV in Hinkler Parade

Voices - extension of parent support project to include all parents

Skatepark in Hinkler Green

Free lessons at Clive's School of Music

More neighbourhood wardens

The Thornhill festivals

Lydgate Green Playpark

Litter bins

Drop-in information centre

What would YOU like to see the "Thornhill millions" being spent on? Call Tom Husband at the Daily Echo on 023 8042 4500 or e-mail using the link above.