A GROUP of schoolchildren were left terrified after being ambushed by rival pupils and attacked.

Around nine youngsters aged from 11 to 15 were set upon after leaving Hounsdown Secondary School, Totton.

They were walking through the Ashurst Bridge estate when they were assaulted and chased by pupils from another school.

Police have contacted Totton's Testwood School, which had an inset day at the time of the attack, to help with their inquiries.

Some of the victims needed hospital treatment for cuts and bruises after the incident.

One parent, whose 16-year-old son needed eight stitches for a head wound, said: "I was absolutely horrified when he got home and my two younger two children were hysterical when they saw him.

"I just couldn't believe what had happened."

Around 20 teenagers were thought to be behind the attack.

Police arrested a 14 and 15-year-old on Saturday in connection with the incident and they have now been bailed pending further inquiries.

Totton beat officer wPC Lindsay Sutton said: "We are appealing for anyone else who was assaulted, or anyone with any information, to contact us.

"Some of the children suffered head injuries and the attacks could be classed as ABH.

"Some of the pupils were chased and threatening and abusive language was used towards them."

Di Nightingale, head teacher at the Hounsdown school in Jacob's Gutter Lane, was shocked by the incident, which happened at around 3.45pm on Monday, January 6.

"I am concerned that some of our children were injured in what appears to be an unprovoked attack on them.

"I was impressed with the way our children responded so maturely and the fact they did not retaliate."