QUAYS Swimming and Diving Complex is already celebrating the success of its recent refurbishment following the visit of The British National Synchronised Diving Squad.

The squad, including top British divers Pete Waterfield, Leon Taylor, Tony Ally and Jane Smith has been taking part in a training camp throughout the previous week - an event not previously possible until this year.

Thanks to a grant from the Sports Council, the ten-meter platform at the Quays has been widened, an extra board has been added, pool-side showers installed, access created between the viewing gallery and pool and a new screen has been erected.

All this has been of great benefit to Southampton's resident champion, Pete Waterfield, who with his partner, Leon Taylor, took fourth place in synchronised diving at the Olympics in 2000.

"Ever since I moved to Southampton any training I've done with Leon has had to be in Sheffield," he said. "Now we will be able to take it in turns to travel, which will be great."

Coach, Lindsey Fraser, who was British Team Manager for the divers at the Olympics and English team coach at the Commonwealth Games, is also delighted.

"It opens up a whole new set of wonderful opportunities for us at the Quays," she said.

"Apart from anything else, having this incredible group of people visit our club is a wonderful inspiration to all our youngsters who are hopefully the stars of the future."

If there is anyone interested in getting involved with the swimming or diving they can contact Fraser on 02380 720 922.