business Link Wessex is giving Hampshire businesses a helping hand to devise a plan of action to increase business efficiency and reduce environmental impacts.

The latest seminar from Business Link Wessex will help businesses consider their products or services and the associated production processes and generate ways of saving their business money.

Run in conjunction with Siena (the Solent Industry and environment Association), the seminar, entitled Environmental Management Systems (EMS), will introduce the concept of EMS, highlight the benefits and help delegates with the process of developing an environmental policy and a plan of action.

Business Link Wessex environmental adviser Anna Frizzell said: "Virtually all businesses with an EMS save money through reductions in raw material use, energy and water consumption and waste production.

"In addition to cost savings, an EMS can also put businesses in a better position to supply companies. As more and more businesses are developing an EMS, managers and owners are increasingly considering the effect their supply chain has on the environment. A locally-based survey has shown that 46 per cent of businesses questioned had been asked about their environmental performance by customers or in tender contracts."

Seminars are taking place on Thursday, December 5 at the Hilton National Hotel, Southampton. The cost is £55+VAT per delegate. Siena members are eligible to a discounted price of £40+VAT. To reserve a place call the Business Link Wessex Events hotline on 08454 58 85 57.