FORGET Lara Croft and the Spice Girls. When it comes to Girl Power, Jane Eyre beats them all hands-down - even without the aid of a skin-tight vest.

Following up their performance of Jane Austen's Emma at the theatre Royal last November, Good Company help commemorate the theatre's first anniversary with their powerful adaptation of another 19th century classic.

A favourite of female readers for the last 100 years or so, Jane Eyre boasts one of the feistiest heroines in literature. A tale of passion and loneliness set against the bleak backdrop of the Yorkshire moors, the story follows its heroine from the cruelties and deprivations of her early childhood to her all-consuming love affair with her soulmate Mr Rochester. The power of their love should overcome all obstacles, but a dark secret from Rochester's past - not to mention a madwoman in his attic - casts a shadow over their future together.

Theatre Royal, Winchester, Tuesday November 5 until Saturday November 9. Performance: 7.30pm. Box office: 01962 840440.