Portchester residents have been accused of conspiring against a controversial waste dump.

Furious residents living near Down End Green waste composting facility have complained for months that the site creates terrible smells.

But at a recent meeting the site manager claimed they maliciously complained more times than necessary.

John Collis, project manager of Hampshire Waste Services, said: "I believe there is a conspiracy against the site."

He said 166 complaints had been registered over the last five months - but he pointed out that 40 per cent of the complaints came from just eight individuals.

He said: "Weather conditions would never get that small number of residents to complain."

Mr Collis also pointed out that there had been 42 complaints during a four-week period where no processing took place.

His comments prompted fury among local residents.

Portchester councillor Roger Price said: "I take great umbrage on behalf of local people of Mr Collis' comment. I totally refute that allegation and I think he ought to apologise."

He added: "I would suggest that probably the figure of 166 is not necessarily all the times that people have smelled the smell.

"You can stand here and smell the smell and five minutes later you can't smell it.

"It is not a continuous smell but it does interfere with the lives of local people. We have got to find another site in the area for it."

Residents in Portchester have fought a long running battle with operators over smells emanating from the site.

Councillors at a meeting of Hampshire County Council's Regulatory Committee agreed that the site should be re-examined for problems in March, after the operator had implemented changes.

Hampshire Waste Services was also told it should look for a new site.