Prominent Eastleigh Rugby Club administrator Dr John Sneezum was unveiled as the Hampshire Rugby Football Union's 22nd President at the Annual General Meeting in Winchester.

Halifax-born Sneezum, 70, relieves the popular LeRoy Angel, after the former Winchester player's three-year stint came to an end.

At a largely uneventful meeting, Sneezum admitted he was "deeply proud to be elected as the Union's President, following in the line of fine men who have stood before me.

"It is a great honour, for me and for my club, Eastleigh to be standing here," said the proud Yorkshireman, who moved south some 45 years ago and is renowned for his administration skills, especially in organising the Hampshire Cups and local leagues, amongst many other roles.

The immediate Past President, Angel, will remain as Hampshire's representative at Twickenham and chairman of the September Clubs Meeting.

It was also announced that Hampshire have been placed in pool four of the second tier of the County Championship for the second year running, and will commence their campaign on May 3, 2003 with an away trip to Eastern Counties before receiving Somerset a week later.

Hampshire, the under-20s County Championship holders will also start their title defence on the road with two long trips to Hertfordshire and Eastern Counties.

Meanwhile, Clifton flanker Brendan Treacey, who travelled from his West Country home for every training session and match, was awarded the FMT Bunney Championship player of the year award.

Treacey, a former Portsmouth club colt, was outstanding despite Hampshire's disappointing exit in the group stages of this year's County Shield Tournament.

Kieron O'Rourke, the Winchester youngster who represented England under-18s last season and was awarded a scholarship at London Irish, was honoured by receiving the Brian Short Memorial Trophy for the best young player.