FRAUDSTERS behind African money-making scams are targeting Hampshire victims with sob stories about families living in exile.

Detectives today urged people not to respond to any letters or e-mails originating from the African continent which ask for help in transferring funds into this country.

The letters take various forms but generally promise a percentage of the cash being transferred as a reward.

Many of the requests include tales of woe about family members being executed, forcing the surviving relatives to live in exile - and in need of help to get their funds from accounts holding vast sums of money.

Others claim to be part of an organisation which over-invoiced companies and now wants to grab the illicit money, but needs the help of a foreign account holder.

Sums of between US $10m and US $25m are frequently quoted as being salted away in the accounts, with an offer of between five and 20 per cent of the total offered as a share for helping with the transfer.

More cash may be promised to cover any expenses that may be incurred.

But Hampshire police warn the supposed money-making scheme is all a con, which has so far left victims with an average loss of £32,000.

DC Bob Nicholas, of the force intelligence bureau, said: "In reality the money does not exist.

"Individuals who pursue the offer will soon reach a stage where, in order for the funds to be released, you will be asked to fund charges on the understanding that you will be refunded from the 'expenses account'.

"This is the last you will hear from them and the last you will see of your money."

Police said the scams were originating in Africa, particularly Nigeria, Togo and South Africa.

Anyone who has been contacted about taking part in such a scheme is asked to forward details to police.

E-mails can be forwarded to or letters should be sent to DC Bob Nicholas at Force Intelligence Bureau, Police Headquarters, Romsey Road, Winchester SO22 5DB.

More details from Hampshire Police's website can be found at