SOUTHAMPTON-based Grainfarmers struck a deal with the royal farms at Windsor for wheat it produces to go into the grist for a new bread celebrating the Queen's Golden Jubilee.

The bread is on sale exclusively at supermarket group Safeway, which came up with the idea, and the royal farms' own farm shop.

It involves the estate is sending its wheat into Rank Hovis to mill into flour and the result is the Jubilee Bread range in four shaped loaves.

Gary Sharkey, wheat director at Southampton-based Grainfarmers, clinched the final deal with royal farms.

"Consumers will jump at the chance of eating bread made from wheat grown on Her Majesty's own farms. But the Jubilee Bread range highlights a broader point and demonstrates the traceability we can achieve from field to plate. It will make the shopper think about what, and where, their food comes from next time they shop.''

The Southampton company says it is investigating further opportunities to source and highlight local and regional, conventional and organic, cereal products into the end-user markets.