ARSONISTS have wrecked one of Hampshire's outstanding junior school science blocks.

Police have launched an investigation into the blaze at Marchwood Junior School in the early hours of Saturday.

Flames destroyed the single-storey classroom along with three computers, up-to-date logging equipment and a huge amount of information stored on paper.

Staff have been left devastated by the fire. Science teacher and deputy head Evelyn Denison had worked hard to build up the subject at the school off Main Road, Marchwood.

Her efforts had been rewarded with 99 per cent of the school's Year six pupils - aged ten and 11 - getting excellent in results in government tests.

Head teacher Stephen Bassett said: "It has taken eight years of hard work to establish it as a first class science resource."

"We are very proud of everything that goes on in school and the children will also be completely gutted by it. Our SATs results in science have been excellent and 99 per cent of our Year six children got level six or above. This is one of the jewels in the crown as far as achievement is concerned and this is going to set it back."

Martin Shefferd, strategic education planning officer for Hampshire County Council, said: "For a new building, you are probably looking at £60,000, but what has also been lost is the children's work, which is irreplaceable."

Hampshire police scenes of crime officers have sifted through the debris. A spokesman said: "We are treating it as arson. We believe it started from the outside, near a fire door which is a known meeting place for the local youth community."

Anyone who noticed any activity around the school between midnight and 4.30am on Saturday can contact Hythe CID on 0845 045 4545.