SCHOOLBOY Lee Davis may have his leg in plaster but he's determined this won't stop him taking part in this week's Dads and Lads "Run 4 Fun".

The first all-male equivalent of the popular ladies Race for Life - taking place in Basingstoke on Wednesday - will raise money for Cancer Research UK, which is campaigning to find a cure for testicular and prostate cancer.

Although 15-year-old Lee broke his leg playing football on April 14, he will still accompany his dad Wayne to The Gazette-backed event which has been organised in memory of Southampton FC supporter Simon Robinson from Winklebury.

Simon died of testicular cancer, aged 21, in December, 2000, and his mum Lynn will start the race in his memory.

Lee is a member of the Southampton FC supporters' club team who are doing the Run 4 Fun, and his fellow Saints fans plan to push him around the 5km course in a wheelchair.

His father Wayne added: "If Lee can still do it, then perhaps his example will encourage other men in Basingstoke to get off their backsides and run."

Around 300 men have already pledged to take part in the 5km fun run at Down Grange and teams from the Automobile Association, Motorola, Basing-stoke Town FC, Kestrel FM, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council and The Gazette will all be there.

For those who might find themselves flagging, help and advice will be on hand from Major Tony Trown, a retired Army officer from Cliddesden who has years of experience of distance marching.

"Although 5km is not a long distance, it will still feel like it for some people and it is important to carry a bottle of water and to wear stout shoes or trainers," said Major Trown, 65, who will run with the Farleigh Wallop Social Club team.

"If I see people who seem to be flagging, I promise that I will try to get them singing as I want people to enjoy the event and want to come back again."

The event, at Down Grange, begins at 7.30pm and it will be possible to sign up on the night at a cost of £7.50 per adult entrant and £4.50 for under-18s.