IN the latest part of The Gazette's coverage of the run-up to the local government elections on May 2, political reporter TONY SNOW puts the spotlight on the Liberal Democrats as they launch their drive for votes.

GIVE us your vote so we can carry on the good work. That was Cllr Brian Gurden's message to the electors as he launched the Liberal Democrat manifesto this week.

Cllr Gurden, who is head of the Lib-Dem group and Basingstoke council leader, appealed to voters in next month's council election to return them to power again and so allow them to carry on the good work.

"We have three key messages for local people," Cllr Gurden told The Gazette as the manifesto was unveiled on Tuesday.

"We have helped to deliver good local services while keeping the borough part of the council tax at the same level for four years in a row.

"Our safe, responsible stewardship of our finances has gone hand-in-hand with exciting, innovative approaches which are making a noticeable difference to the quality of the service we provide.

"There is still more to do. We need the votes of local people if we are to see through many of the initiatives we have started. Liberal Democrats will, as always, stress that the council must provide services that are readily accessible to all sections of our community.

"As group leader of the Liberal Democrats I urge local people to come out and vote Liberal Democrat in large numbers in support of the continuation of the current administration. I believe most people favour the constructive, consensus-driven approach that we have brought to the council."

The manifesto says: "Here in Basingstoke and Deane, Liberal Democrats have, for seven years, formed a joint administration with Labour to promote good, high-quality, affordable services for all and to safeguard our local prosperity on which we depend.

"We have sought to support and empower people - particularly young people, families and the elderly - so that they have greater control over decisions that affect them.

"The joint administration has a high record of achievement. It is widely appreciated and has been publicly recognised. Basingstoke and Deane is the only district council in England to have had no increase in its council tax for three years in a row. No other district can match our record.

"Basingstoke and Deane is a good place in which to live. No other council of similar size can match our borough in terms of facilities and services: our new £300 million town centre, Festival Place, our new Aquadrome and the Orchard - the new HQ for local voluntary services - the Milestones museum and The ARK medical centre, which is grant-aided by the borough. None of these local assets happened by chance but through good vision and good management."