VERNHAM Dean Gillum's Primary School is a very effective and successful school providing a very good education for all its pupils, according to a recent Ofsted report.

Inspectors praised all aspects of the village primary's operation and found no major areas for improvement.

The report highlighted teachers' high expectations and 'challenging and highly motivating' lessons.

Inspectors found 'excellent' teaching in the reception year and said the quality of teaching and learning is 'very good' as was the teaching of pupils with special educational needs and those who are gifted or talented.

All staff are good role models and teaching assistants make a 'very good contribution' to pupils' learning in all classes, the report added.

Pupils achieve very well, especially in English, maths, science, information communication technology and music. In the 2001 national tests, pupils achieved well above the national average and the performance in writing and maths by year two pupils was in the highest five per cent nationally, as was the performance of year six pupils in science.

The report said pupils 'respond with enthusiasm to their teachers' high expectations', were enthusiastic learners, keen to learn, well behaved and have very good attitudes towards the school.

The provision for pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is also very good, inspectors noted, saying the school 'has developed a climate within which all pupils can grow and flourish and become socially and morally aware'.

Praising the leadership and management of the school, the report said new headteacher Louise Herbert 'has achieved a lot in the short time she has been at the school and has the full confidence of the parents'. Subject leaders have good action plans to guide development, the report added.

Governors also show 'much commitment' to supporting the work of the school and monitor the school's performance effectively.

The report concluded: "Because of the high standards in many subjects in the school, the effective leadership and efficient management, the school is in a very good position to make further improvement."

Headteacher Mrs Herbert said she was 'very pleased' that the inspectors had not found any major areas that needed improvement and noted that the school was very strong in all core areas.

Chairman of governors Tim Cook added: "The staff, both past and present, have worked very hard towards achieving a second very good Ofsted report. The governing body is very proud to have such a good team and would like to thank them for their loyalty and dedication."