ANDOVER police will be asking for more cash to continue a highly successful town centre crackdown on anti-social behaviour.

Operation Dennison which puts extra late patrols on the streets at weekends, has been labelled a success by Inspector Andy Jennings after a four-month trial which included Christmas.

There was praise too from the local publicans organisation Pubwatch for the initiative and a hope that it can be continued.

Secretary Nigel Luke from The Globe, said: "Operation Dennison, from our point of view, was most successful, especially over the Christ-mas period. We know it is all down to budgets but we are very hopeful that it can be continued.

"The specials were also very active and we welcomed them coming into the pubs to chat to customers and be more visible.

"From our point of view, we are building up a very good relationship with the police to cut down on drunkenness and disorderly behaviour which can only be good for everyone."

Operation Dennison put more patrols into the town centre from 8pm to 4am on Fridays and Saturdays.

On-the-spot policing meant violent brawls were broken up before the disturbance grew and other crimes were prevented.

Under-age drinking came under surveillance with the police officers apprehending and questioning anyone suspected of being too young.

Insp Jennings said: "The success of Operation Dennison was because officers were able to move in before anti-social behaviour got to the stage where people felt threatened - that was the deterrent effect of far more visible policing of the streets.

"That was very useful and the vast majority of customers and publicans and club owners were very pleased with the operation.

"With under-age drinkers the knock-on effect has been that pubs and clubs have firmed up their checking policy on people under the age of 18."