SALUTI. Gales brewery's managing director Nigel Atkinson raises a glass of Hampshire-brewed HSB to the Italians.

Hampshire's George Gale and Co has just made history by becoming the first British brewery to introduce real ale to the Italian palate - and the Italians are loving it.

A shipment of 150 casks of HSB is leaving Horndean to be served up in bars in northern Italy, just a few weeks after Italian locals first enjoyed the delights of the British brewery's offerings.

Its award-winning HSB has been picked by the Real Ale Society, part of the Food from Britain Group, to spearhead a campaign in Italy that will establish Britain as the leading supplier of quality beers.

Nigel Brown, managing director of Food from Britain in Italy, said: "The Real Ale Society is convinced that real ale fits perfectly with the Italians' constant search for quality and with their passionate interest in genuine regional products."

Gales head brewer Derek Lowe said: "The Italians love HSB and we are deliberately sending it to them at this time of the year, before the weather gets too hot in Italy."

Other countries already enjoying Gales ales include the US, Denmark and Japan.