A MEMORIAL garden dedicated to those who have helped a Scout group in Gosport has been officially unveiled by the mayor of the borough.

The 27th Gosport (Scoutlink) group worked for just over three months to complete the garden to have as a permanent reminder of those who have helped the group in different ways but who have now passed away.

Complete with annual blooms, a slate walkway and wind chimes, the garden in Phoenix Way, Gosport, is being thoroughly enjoyed by the group's 15 members, who all have learning difficulties.

Anne Doughty, pictured, leader of the group, thought to be the only one in the county that specifically caters for youngsters with learning difficulties, said: "It has really taken us

about four years to get this project finished.

"We looked at a number of ways to remember those people who have made a difference to this group, including the man who built our meeting room and a former leader, but in the end we thought the garden would be the best way.

"It was wonderful the way the Mayor of Gosport, Dennis Wright,was able to officially open the garden. It made it quite special."

The group is currently recruiting more members. Any boy or girl aged eight years old and upwards who is interested can contact Anne on 01329 220334.