We direct attention to a letter from Canon Braithwaite (Vice-Dean) in another column stating that the offertories at the Cathedral tomorrow (Sunday), which were to have been set apart for the Church missionary Society, will now be given to the Mayor of Southampton for immediate help to those who have been rendered widows and orphans by the sinking of the liner Titanic.

At the various City Churches it is understood a collection for the same good object will be taken tomorrow (Sunday) week.

For both the morning and afternoon service at the Cathedral tomorrow the bells will be rung half-muffled, and the flag will be at half-mast.

The Misses Perks' "Soldiers' Home" will hold a special service in the Broadway, Winchester from two to quarter to three tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon. The band will play the "Dead March" and the hymn "Nearer my God to Thee." A collection will be taken towards the Mayor of Winchester's auxiliary fund in aid of thsoe bereaved by the disaster.

The Winchester Salvation Army Corps desire to lend a helping hand in alleviating the suffering of the many bereaved through the loss of the Titanic, and purpose taking up retiring collection at each service on Sunday (tomorrow) for the Relief Fund. An open air meeting in the Broadway will be held on Sunday night at 8.30, when a collection will be taken for the same purpose. Also the band intend playing in certain districts on Thursday evening next, all proceeds to be handed over to the Fund. Any donations for this wiill be gratefully received, or may be sent to Captain V. Joseph, S. A. Officers Quarters, 37, Hyde Abbey-road, Winchester. A memorial service will be held in the Salvation Army Citadel, Parchment-street, on Sunday, 21st, at 6.30 p.m., conducted by Adjutant Brodale.