BASINGSTOKE cabbie Tim Fernandez - who was barred from taxi-driving by a council doctor who had never seen him - hopes to be back behind the wheel soon.

Mr Fernandez, 66, had a triple heart bypass in October and will be re-applying for his cabbie's licence when his rehab programme is completed in February.

Eighteen months ago Mr Fernandez was diagnosed as suffering from mildly hardening arteries and was put on a non-emergency waiting list for a bypass.

Four different doctors - including his consultant cardiologist at Basingstoke hospital - declared him fit to drive. But in September, a council doctor, who examined his medical records, recommended that Basingstoke council's licensing committee take away his taxi licence.

"I was furious that they could take away my livelihood without even examining me," said Mr Fernandez.

"I appealed against the decision. But while I was waiting for the appeal to come up I got the letter from the hospital saying I could go in for my operation.

"I have had a triple heart bypass and I now feel as fit as a fiddle.

"As soon as I complete my rehab in two months time I will go to the council and get my badge back."