ANDOVER police will be on the beat tonight and tomorrow night in a hard-hitting, new initiative to make the town centre a safer place.

Up to 10 police officers and special constables will provide a high profile presence to cut down on incidents of assault, public disorder, drunkenness and swearing.

A robust response to such incidents has been promised by the police. Where appropriate arrests will follow with police bail and conditions such as no drinking or a curfew.

Videoing of crowds spilling out onto the streets could also be adopted.

The police are working with other partners in the crackdown on crime, including the Crown Prosecution Service and the local authority. The move, funded by Hampshire police HQ and codenamed Operation Dennison, continues until February .

This week, Chief Inspector Mark Chatterton said the initiative was a positive response to a widespread feeling that Andover was a violent town where people were in danger at night-time.

"That is not true and we want to change that perception.

"We have done an analysis and there are hot spots in the town where disorder does take place. There are incidents of drunkenness and violence in the town. They mainly take place when the pubs and clubs are emptying out, a large amount of people congregate in one place and there are delays in getting buses and taxis to take them away from the town centre. Fights start and that is intimidating to many people.

"What we now want to ensure is that people can have a good time in Andover, that these incidents do not impact on that enjoyment."