Protesters marched through the centre of Winchester on Saturday to voice their opposition to plans for an Orange mobile phone mast in the heart of their community.

Residents of Byron Avenue, Fulflood, were joined by parents and governors from the nearby Western School, as well as by other groups fighting mast campaigns in the district.

Their bright and noisy parade snaked its way through the city centre from the historic Westgate to Abbey Gardens on Saturday afternoon.

It is the second major demonstration march that they have carried out against the scheme for the 35ft mast.

Orange was granted permission for the mast almost a year ago but, following High Court action, they have to resubmit their plan.

It is expected that a decision on the mast will then be taken by city councillors in January--and the protesters are determined to get their message across.

Leading campaigner, Mike Barratt, of Byron Avenue, said: "It is about local democracy. Many protest groups in Winchester feel that the council and officers are not listening to their concerns.

"In particular, we think that city planners are not tuned in to the specific needs of Winchester people.

"We want three things. The first is for Winchester planners to recognise that there are legitimate concerns about the safety of phone masts.

"The second is a strategic approach by Winchester planners to the growing problem of mobile phone masts in urban areas.

"Thirdly, we want the precautionary approach, advocated by the government's own Stewart Report, to be adopted in relation to phone masts near schools, homes, hospitals, crches and workplaces."