A BID for government funding is being made to clamp down on some of Southampton's most notorious rat runs.

Eight pilot projects will go on trial across the country and Southampton City Council hopes to attract £1.45m to put an end to motoring misery at two hot spots in the city.

Bramley Crescent in Woolston and Radcliffe Road in Bargate have been identified as the worst areas for speeding motorists taking short cuts.

New safety measures could reduce speed limits to as little as 10mph to make the roads safer for children and pedestrians.

City design manager Kay Brown explained: "We shortlisted seven areas in the city and when we checked each against the criteria for funding Bramley Crescent and Radcliffe Road came out ahead.

"The money will pay for things like changes to surfaces, play equipment, better street parking. The overall aim is to make better use of the highway."

The City Council will learn if they are successful by the end of this year - and if they do attract funding there will be full consultation with residents.

"We did not have the chance to speak to residents before we placed the bid because the deadline was tight but if we are successful we will let them know how much money we have attracted and find out what improvements they would like to see happen," she added.

The funding will come from the Home Zone Challenge Bid - an initiative developed by the Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions.