A MILLIONAIRE lawyer has been found guilty of stealing £73,000 from an elderly aunt who trusted him to take care of her affairs.

David Benham, 59, was convicted of 11 charges of stealing from 91-year-old Kathleen Benham at Winchester Crown Court yesterday.

After eight hours and 15 minutes of deliberation the jury of six men and six women delivered majority guilty verdicts of ten to two on all 11 counts.

Benham stole the money from his dead uncle's accounts, over which he had power of attorney, between October 20 1998 and May 27 1999.

The thefts only came to light when staff at Kathleen Benham's Southampton rest home told her that her £1,500-per-month fees had not been paid.

Jurors at Winchester Crown Court heard in the course of the case that the London-based solicitor used the cash to buy a £35,000 boat, to cover his mooring fees at the Royal Southampton Yacht Club and pay off debts.

Mrs Benham, of Brookvale Lawn, Portswood, Southampton, was not in court for the verdict as she is unwell.

Recorder Jeremy Wright bailed Benham to stay at his home address of Reverdy Road, Southwark, London.

Speaking to the Daily Echo after the case, Det Con Sheila Mason, of Southampton Central CID, said: "This is a good result from Mrs Benham's point of view, and she can now try to put this behind her and get on with her life. In this case it was the fact that the theft was carried out by a family member that upset her more than anything else."

Sentencing and a compensation hearing will take place before November 23.