ACCOUNTING and payroll software specialists W A Computing has joined forces with Config Computer Services, PC desktop support, networking and AutoCAD specialists to offer companies a one stop solutions package.

"We want to make everything as easy as possible for our customers and now they will be able to make just one call to us whatever their problem" said Wendy Aucock of WA Computing.

The Chandler's Ford-based company has been an accredited Pegasus accounting software reseller since 1990 and attributes its continued growth to its high level of technical and accounting knowledge.

Wendy said "A recent customer survey showed an extremely high level of customer satisfaction in the quality and speed of its support service. This has been reflected in the long-term retention of our customers, many remaining with us since the inception of W A Computing."

Config Computer Services was founded by Chris Nixon and Jerry Cope in 1994. Config has experience in networking and PC support, together with Microsoft Certified System Engineer qualifications.

"We consistently work to offer a more specialised form of support tailored to the requirements of the individual customer, whether as a long-term IT partner or for a one-off installation or support call." said Chris Nixon.

"W A Computing was first introduced to Config Computer Services by one of our customers who raved about them. We have already worked together to replace a complete network for another WA customer with great success."