FOR Chandler's Ford couple Gordon and Monica Hutchings their garden really is a labour of love.

And their green-fingered skills in making sure that it is always a blaze of colour has won them a big bouquet from fellow gardeners.

Now the garden at their Chepstow Close, Valley Park home has been voted the finest of the crop in a best garden competition run by the Chandler's Ford and District Gardeners Club.

Gordon said: "We have a fair range of summer plants including begonias, busy lizzies, carnations and dahlias."

A panel of three judges gave the Hutchings' garden an overwhelming vote in favour.

Gordon said: "It is the first time we have entered the competition and we are delighted to win it first time round."

The accolade also completed a green hat-trick - for they clinched second prize in the hanging basket section and third for containers.

Gordon, a 57-year-old operations manager, finds gardening an escape from the pressures of the day.

"It is relaxing and you can soon forget all the troubles of the day," he said.

Gordon and Monica share the gardening duties.

After a long working day the watering can operation to keep the plants in top soil condition can sometimes be late into the evening.

And the secret of having such a lovely garden - well rotted manure and plenty of tender loving care.

For having the best garden Gordon and Monica were presented with a cup and a £20 garden voucher. No doubt this will be used to sow the seeds to ensure that the Hutchings garden continues in full award-winning bloom.