Three As Training, a specialist training provider has joined forces with the Pertemps Group, the national recruitment specialist.

Pertemps owns 25 per cent of the company, now known as Three As Pertemps Training. The new partnership is expected to deliver wide-ranging benefits to both organisations.

David Moreland, managing director of Three As Pertemps Training, said: "This is an excellent opportunity for both companies to share best practice and take our combined expertise out to a wider audience."

Three As Pertemps Training offers training and advice to individuals and companies in Coventry, Warwickshire, Birmingham, Hampshire and Thames Valley. Since it was established in 1983, it has helped thousands of people gain qualifications in their chosen career.

Currently it works with more than 500 businesses, offering courses in over 40 subjects, from accounting and administration to housekeeping and retail.

The Pertemps Group was established in 1961 and has recruitment services in 87 towns and cities, with 188 branches throughout the UK.

Pertemps Employment Alliance, which is part of the company's training division, was awarded a government contract to operate the Birmingham Employment Zone in April 2000.

Through this Pertemps' role has expanded to work with the disadvantaged and long-term unemployed.

Alan Ratcliffe, managing director of Pertemps Training and Consultancy said: "We are delighted to have formed this partnership with Three As Training. It extends our range of training provision in NVQs and to disadvantaged groups and fits perfectly with our training and employment strategy."