A MINI heatwave will hit Hampshire this weekend with temperatures set to nudge 30C.

Sunshine and blue skies will dominate the south tomorrow and Sunday, with the fine weather set to continue through to the start of next week.

A spokesman for The Met Office said: "We are in a reasonable period of settled weather at the moment.

"We expect a good deal of hot and dry weather through to the start of next week.

"Given the hot temperatures, we can't rule out the risk of the odd thunderstorm.

"We are not looking at anything exceptional at the moment and it may cool down a little at the start of next week, but it will be pleasant enough."

Yesterday, temperatures across the south soared into the high 70s, with the Isle of Wight hitting 77F.

As the school holidays got into full swing, youngsters took advantage to cool off at paddling-pools, and playgrounds all over Hampshire including Fleming Park in Eastleigh was full of children taking a dip.

Other experts claim the summer sun could last as long as the next two weeks in a heatwave that will see temperatures soaring into the 90s.

London, the south-east and the Midlands will experience weather more akin to the Mediterranean, with highs of 31C and 32C (90F) in the south by Monday or Tuesday.

These temperatures are considerably higher than the average for this time of the year, which is around 22-23C for the south.

British Weather Services expert Jim Dale said: "It's going to be the hottest time of the year.

"In the last week of July and the first week in August, there will be a sustained heatwave. The UK will be sucking up tropical air from the south.

"The temperatures in the surrounding seas are a Celsius degree warmer than they were this time last year.

"This cocktail makes for potentially high temperatures."