CLUB record signing Rory Delap got a rude awakening on his first full day of training with Saints.

The £4 million capture from Derby was roused from his slumber at six o'clock this morning for a run round the golf course at the team's training camp at La Manga.

It was the second time this week that the players have been sent on a dawn mission as temperatures of 35 degrees and higher prevent them distance running any later in the day at the Spanish resort.

And it was a tough introduction for Delap who has not yet got any pre-season training under his belt.

The Southampton players have already been hard at work for 10 days, whereas Derby only reported back today. Ironically Jim Smith's men check into La Manga on Saturday as Saints move out.

Delap said: "I have a little bit of catching up to do. I only got back from holiday last week, and although I have done a bit of work on my own, this move overtook everything.

"I spent a fair bit of time travelling down to Southampton and sorting things out so now I just want to get into it - although not necessarily at six o'clock in the morning!

"Derby start training at 7.30am when they are out here so it is not much different and I'm not too bad in the morning - once I get going.

"It will certainly give me an idea of how fit I am."

After signing late on Tuesday evening, Delap flew out to Alicante yesterday and was introduced to his new team-mates when they gathered for a late lunch at 3pm.

He then trained with them in the evening as they played a handful of short sharp practice matches.

He added: "It was bit different to what we did at Derby in pre-season. There we did some work on ball skills but we did not have training games.

"It was a case of trying to get my touch back quickly, but I enjoyed it even though it was still hot at eight o'clock in the evening.

"My first impression is that they are a good bunch of lads which is what I had been told by a few people before I signed. There is obviously a good team spirit.

"There was a good intensity about the session, but I expected that from Mick Wadsworth, who has just joined as coach.

"He was brilliant when I was with him at Carlisle and the good thing is he does not stretch training out if he gets the quality he is looking for.

"It was hard work, especially as the other lads had a bit of a start on me. But I will soon catch up and I am enjoying it already."