ANDOVER Advertiser readers have returned a second resounding 'No' to the proposed plan to pedestrianise the lower High Street.

In a telephone poll giving readers the opportunity to say what they think of the scheme, 488 voted 'No,' a 62.25 per cent share of the vote, against 296, a percentage of 37.75, who voted 'Yes.'

The total number of votes cast was 784.

Leading High Street retailer Ken Whitehouse of Solitaire jewellers, felt the result should prove conclusively to the borough council that the people of Andover were not in favour of pedestrianisation. "They are calling it a refurbishment of the High Street but it is pedestrianisation by another name.

"Almost all the independent traders in the High Street and Bridge Street and some in Union Street oppose it because it will not just affect those areas but the whole town if High Street parking disappears."

He agreed the town area needed smartening up but said pedestrianisation was the wrong scheme. "They came up with the ideal solution about five years ago with chevron parking bays along the kerb interspersed with raised flower beds and seats, making it slightly continental in appearance.

"Everyone wants something to happen there, something has to be done to the High Street, nobody disputes that. We are not killjoys. If they get rid of the High Street park they will lose £30,000 a year from a park used more than 100 per cent. It is one of the busiest in the town. I am pleased about the poll but not surprised. It just proves what we have been saying all along."

Meanwhile Test Valley council corporate director Bernard Sully said: "This is an interesting result that the council will take into account in the context of the Secretary of State's formal consultation which is now underway."0