THE final round of the Reelcare Knockout Cup on Lord Romsey's Longbridge Lakes sees the eagerly awaited clash between Carbotech - featuring four of the country's top anglers against top local anglers Poingdestres.

While last year's finalists Archers Select will give both sides plenty to think about on Sunday, Carbotech are without doubt the best side in the whole competition on paper, featuring national stars like Geoff Salisbury, Steve Jackson and Salisbury-based bait wholesaler Lee Woodhouse.

But Longbridge is a great leveller and local knowledge on how the venue is fishing up to the match is all important and in this department Poingdestres will be far more prepared than Carbotech. Added to this will be the memory of a defeat in last year's heats which saw Carbotech knocked out so victory is far from assured.

Carboetch, Poingdestres and Archers Select do, however, stand out and all three should make it through to next month's final.

However, Hansfords, led by Chalkie White, a regular in the money on Longbridge and top west country outfit Sillybait Red will be perfectly able to take advantage if one of the three unfancied teams slip up. Of the rest veteran side David Tackle have plenty of Longbridge experience but will fail if the carp show in numbers, while Dorset Raiders would be respected on another venue, however their track record on Longbridge is poor.

Cormorants C and Alans Marine go off the outsiders and it would be a big shock if either made it to the final.