DETECTIVES today appealed for the public's help in solving a mystery attack which left a Southampton man lying in a pool of blood.

The 27-year-old was found sprawled on the pavement in Monks Way, Mansbridge, covered in blood.

Police said two passers-by arranged for him to be taken by ambulance to Southampton General Hospital, where he was treated for facial fractures and bruises.

DC Ivor Bowen, of Southampton Central CID, said the victim had no recollection of how or where the injuries had been inflicted.

"We are keen to hear from anyone who saw him either before or after the assault took place," he said.

The victim, who has not been named but lives in the Mansbridge area, was discovered at around 6.30pm on Friday. Details were not released by police until yesterday.

He was released from hospital on Monday but is unable to remember anything about the assault.

Police described him as white, 5ft 8in, and stocky with dark hair. At the time he was found, he was wearing a white Nike T-shirt and black jogging bottoms.

Anyone with information is asked to call Southampton Central CID on 0845 045 4545 or the free and anonymous Crimestoppers line on 0800 555111.