WILDERN school pupil Meryl Roberts knows exactly what career she wants when she finishes her education - she wants to be a politician.

But in the meantime, the 14-year-old's cookery hobby is already turning her into a vote winner.

For Meryl walked away with the Hedge End secondary school's annual master chef competition after tickling the taste buds of Michelin Star and De Vere chefs Phil Storey and Mike Walker.

Now, she will represent Wildern in the regional finals of the competition against finalists from secondary schools and colleges from Kent, Surrey, Sussex and Berkshire.

More then 100 pupils took part in the first round of the Wildern competition.

Ten semi-finalists were then selected to prepare a main course dish before Meryl, 15-year-old Katie Hards, 13-year-old Emily Hayes and 14-year-old Ruth Baker were chosen to compete in Wildern's grand final when they had to prepare a two- course dinner.

Wildern's head of technology Mrs Bagshur Mani (CORRECT) said: "This is the third year of the competition and the numbers get bigger and bigger.

"I'm really pleased with the quality and standard of the work and it is wonderful to get chefs in to judge and give their evaluation of the products."

Chefs Phil and Mike said they had been looking for flavour, presentation, hygiene and how well the two dishes combined during their judging - but selecting a winner had been difficult.

Eventually it was Meryl's tortilla hot pot served with fresh Chelsea bread that won the day - leaving her "very shocked" over her culinary victory.

She received a tee shirt donated by BBC Junior Master Chef plus a £25 voucher, while the runners-up received £10 vouchers.